Service Fee



Charged by


USD 0.65 per contract,at least USD 1.99 per order

Tiger Brokers

Platform Fee

Fixed Platform Fee

USD 0.3 per contract, at least USD 1 per order

Tiered Platform Fee

Number of contracts traded per month

Platform Fee per contract(at least USD 1 per order)

1 - 50


51 - 100


101 - 500


501 - 1,000


1,001 - 5,000


5,001 - 10,000


10,001 - 20,000


20,001 - 30,000


More than 30,001

(including 30,001)



  1. The above fees will take effect from February 11, 2025. Please refer to the actual charges.

  2. New users are appliable for the Fixed Platform Plan by default initially and can change the pricing plan once per month. If applying the change, the new plan will take effect the next day.

  3. Existing users will keep the original US options fees by default. Please check the original charges via the link.

  4. If the monthly cumulative number of contracts for US Options Trading is less than 1,800, it is advisable to select the Fixed Platform Plan, which is appropriate for regular traders.

  5. If the monthly cumulative number of contracts for US Options Trading per month exceeds 1,800, it is advisable to select the Tiered Platform Fee, which is appropriate for high-frequency traders.

  6. The fees of the GTC(Good Till Cancel) Order will be calculated by the trading day. Transactions on the same trading day shall be regarded as one order, while transactions on different trading days shall be regarded as different orders for calculating.

Option Settlement Fee

USD 0.18 per contract for all types of contracts. 

Fees Charged on behalf of Third Parties



Charged by

​Options Regulatory Fee (ORF)

​USD 0.012 per contract


​SEC Transaction Fee

(charged only for sell orders)

​USD 0.0000278*trading value

Minimum USD 0.01 per trade

​Securities and Exchange Commission

Trading Activity Fee

(charged only for sell orders)

USD 0.00279* Number of contracts sold

Minimum 0.01 USD per trade

Financial Industry Regulatory Authority

Clearing Fee

USD 0.02 per contract

Up to USD 55 per trade

U.S. Options Clearing Corporation

Exchange Fee

Fees depend on the exchange on which the contract is traded



  1. Additional fees might be charged depending on the liquidity of an options contract, subject to the exchange.

  2. Tiger shall update Third Party fees when they come into effect.

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